meet loba loba

Hola y Howdy! I'm so happy you are here! I'm Mel Oropeza Moralez, a proud Tejana woman from the captivating Hill Country of Texas living in Jalisco, Mexico.

The roots of LOBA LOBA really began about 10 years ago while I was solo traveling in Thailand. On this trip, I noticed many red flags where tourism was running the destinations vs. the destinations running the tourism, and one of those flags stood out in particular. I overheard foreigners in the hostels talking about taking pictures with tigers and riding elephants. Curious, I asked the Thai woman running the front desk what she thought. Under her breath, she told me that the tigers were drugged to seem docile for the photos.

I was horrified. This trip catalyzed me to begin diving underneath the surface of the haunting realities of travel. It became clear that as a traveler, I not only had privilege but also a profound responsibility to be mindful of how I traveled and where I spent my time and money. I began seeking opportunities to connect with local communities and learn about their cultures and traditions and the issues they face due to unconscious tourism.

Flash forward to 7 years later, I was exiting a plane with my 94-year-old grandmother while people behind us complained about her speed getting off the plane. After I shared a few weighty words with the impatient people, it further solidified my understanding of how sick and detached we are from respect and community in general in the colonized united states. The way to remedy this disconnection was to create spaces where people are slowing down, connecting with others, practicing their curiosity and listening skills, and learning from our greatest teacher, nature.

In 2018, I moved with my then long-term Tapatio partner and now husband to his home of Guadalajara, Jalisco. It immediately felt like home to me as well, which is something I always struggled to feel in the United States. Shortly after my move, I discovered that my adopted father was ironically from these lands. The vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm-hearted people activated me, inspiring me to create LOBA LOBA. I wanted to bridge the gap between tourists and communities in a way that nourished everyone involved. I wanted to facilitate experiences that imprinted a sustainable and gracious mindset that would change participants forever in how they interacted in their own communities and with those they visited. Through close collaboration with indigenous people, local artisans, leaders, and experts, our events foster cultural exchange and preservation, environmental conservation, and personal growth.

I am proud to blend my "no-bullshit" Texan upbringing, Texican heritage, and passion for responsible travel to curate experiences like no other. This vision is a heart-centered journey of exploration, connection, and personal transformation, fostering deep connections and igniting a shift in how we perceive and engage with the world. Let's honor the wisdom of the locals, celebrate the natural beauty of Mexico and Texas, and create lifelong memories that warm our hearts and inspire sustainable efforts for years to come. I can't wait to meet you! abrazos fuertes!

In addition to loba loba, i also offer channeled readings + resources for individuals eager to connect with their cosmic support systems on and off earth. learn more here!